These exercises have effects on the heart and blood vessels, but also the lunges. When you think about cardiovascular exercises, or simply said, cardio, you probably think about jogging, running on the treadmill, cycling and swimming. These indeed are cardio exercises.
These are just a few of the many great effects that cardiovascular exercises have.
In the articles you can find in this section I will give you examples of cardiovascular workout routines, the right technique you need to use, different styles of cardio and more.
Both cardio and weightlifting/bodyweight workout routines can be found under the section "Workouts".
I was a runner/sprinter for almost 2.5 years. It never was my favourite field, but I did enjoy the benefits of cardio. My favourite running workouts were High Intensity Interval Training, so that is one of the styles that I often recommend.
Professional Training Plan6 Month workout plan for experienced athletes (24+ months of training).
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