When you consistently work out a whole year without any breaks you will get tired eventually. You will get over trained and this will negatively influence your progress! By taking some weeks of after working out for a few weeks your body gets time to recover a lot better. A good standard for rest on the long term is taking 1 week off after training for 4-6 weeks.
Besides the long term rest there is also something I call medium term rest. This is the rest you take each week. Never work out 7 days in a row. At least take one full day of rest every single week. Also never work out the same muscle group(s) 2 days in a row! When you work out your chest today, you will have to wait at least until the day after tomorrow before targeting the chest again!
Here are some guidelines for different physical goals:
As always, personal preference is very important in this part of fitness and bodybuilding!
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